A successful start for the Unitary Patent
Daily NewsMonday, 03 June 2024Daniel van Herck745 viewsThe Unitary Patent system has seen a successful start, completing Europe’s single market for technology. One year on from the system’s launch, over 28 000 requests for unitary effect have been filed and the EPO has registered more than 27 500 Unitary Patents. This means that almost one in four granted European patents has been converted into a Unitary Patent. Read more at EPO news
Iets minder Europese octrooiaanvragen vanuit België
Daily NewsTuesday, 09 April 2024Daniel van Herck314 viewsBelgische bedrijven, universiteiten en onderzoeksinstellingen hebben vorig jaar ruim 2.500 octrooiaanvragen ingediend bij het Europees Octrooibureau (EOB), een lichte daling na het recordjaar 2022. De ...
Belgium's biotech patent surge sets global innovation benchmark.
Daily NewsWednesday, 03 April 2024Daniel van Herck602 viewsIn the dynamic landscape of global innovation, Belgium emerges as a beacon of creativity, particularly highlighted by its strides in biotech patents amidst a backdrop of modest declines in overall pa ...
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office announces $70 million contract for AI patent search tool
Daily NewsTuesday, 19 March 2024Daniel van Herck1037 viewsUSPTO intends to negotiate and award a contract to Accenture Federal Services for its Patent Search Artificial Intelligence capabilities. Read more at FedScoop
World Intellectual Property Indicators Report: Record Number of Patent Applications Filed Worldwide in 2022
Daily NewsFriday, 24 November 2023Daniel van Herck1516 viewsGlobal patenting activity soared to new records in 2022, fueled by Indian and Chinese innovators, but an uncertain economic outlook is weighing on further growth. Even as global filings for trademark ...
Startups with patents and trade marks are 10 times more successful in securing funding, new study finds
Daily NewsWednesday, 25 October 2023Daniel van Herck604 viewsOwning Intellectual Property (IP) rights boosts startups’ ability to raise funds, especially for deep-tech industries with higher capital needs The European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union ...
Unitary Patent & Unified Patent Court
Daily NewsMonday, 12 June 2023Daniel van Herck269 viewsA better patent system for Europe The Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court are the building blocks which supplement and strengthen the existing centralised European patent granting system. The ...
Demand for European patents has reached an all-time high
Daily NewsThursday, 04 May 2023Daniel van Herck2080 viewsYann Ménière, EPO Chief Economist and Aidan Kendrick, EPO Chief Business Analyst, discuss the key patenting trends at the EPO in 2022. Increasing demand for European patents has been driven by compani ...
Recordaantal Europese octrooiaanvragen vanuit België
Daily NewsThursday, 30 March 2023Daniel van Herck219 viewsBelgische bedrijven, universiteiten en onderzoeksinstellingen hebben in 2022 een recordaantal van 2.604 octrooiaanvragen ingediend bij het Europees Octrooibureau (EPO). Het gaat om een toename met 5 p ...
Nieuw digitaal platform toont kmo’s de meerwaarde van intellectuele eigendom
Daily NewsFriday, 17 June 2022Daniel van Herck340 viewsUit Europees onderzoek blijkt dat ruim 90% van de ondernemers geen geregistreerde intellectuele eigendomsrechten heeft. Daarom lanceerden vijf Belgische en Nederlandse overheidsorganisaties op 26 apri ...