Our Mission is ...
To provide high-level integrated IP consulting services
in support to the client’s business.
maximize opportunities to capture intellectual property for a given business strategy/project to ensure exclusive rights matching business needs;
avoid as early as possible freedom to act problems;
improve use of intelligence such as patent information;
link IP with the client's needs for marketing/technology strategy;
improve IP project management on aspects such as speed, quality, risk management;
improve quality of patent applications;
minimize own prior art barriers;
minimize “rush” patent applications;
establish IP awareness/discipline in the organization;
increase probability of project success, hence a higher percentage of successful projects in the portfolio;
increase project manager's ability to meet project objectives in time and within budget by emphasizing completion of numerous activities simultaneously with those contributing to the client's project;
enhance communication within the organization;
provide clear and transparent criteria for decision making;
conduct due diligence investigation for IP aspects of the client's buy-in / buy-out plans;
monitor and act against the client's IP infringing competitors;
turn IP into license revenues and shareholder's value.